البطاقات الذكية Smart Labels
عبارة عن شرائح ذكية توضع داخل الكتاب، وتتضمن جميع بياناته، ويمكن طباعة شعار المكتبة على البطاقة حيث لا يتم رصدها بسهولة، وتُستخدم البطاقة لتسهيل التعرف على الكتاب باستخدام جهاز برمجة الوسيمات، كما يستفاد منها لحماية مقتنيات المكتبة، حيث تصدر البوابات الأمنية إنذارا مرئيا ومسموعا عند مرور الكتب عبرها، إلى جانب ذلك يمكن استخدام البطاقات خلال عمليات الجرد السنوي، حيث يمكن استخدام جهاز الجرد الآلي لجرد مقتنيات المكتبة خلال دقائق معدودة.
المواصافات الفنية :
Encoding conformance to ISO 15693 2&3 and/or 1800-3 M1 | RFID Tags conform to these standards, along with new standard ISO28560. We are also able to conform to any existing data models if we are required to do so |
Life-of-the-item- guarantee | Our Tags are manufactured specifically with the library environment in mind and have an extremely low failure rate under this application. All tags are guaranteed for the life of the item. |
Memory size (minimum 1024 bits of user memory) | The tags have a memory size of 1024 bits. All tags have enough memory to conform to ISO28560 |
Hardware support for AFI & DSFID | All our hardware supports AFI and DSFID. Our system uses the AFI for security and the DSFID to describe the tag format. |
Durability of the tag within the library application | Our Tags are manufactured specifically with the library environment in mind and have an extremely low failure rate under this application. Age testing results show that the tags are long lived – in fact they are better performed when placed on a library item than kept stored in rolls |
Overprinting options (all tags as well as individual tags) | During the retrospective tagging process, all RFID tags are printed and encoded in the one simple process by the Mobile Retrospective Encoder. Titles, barcodes, library logo etc may be printed onto the tags. Ongoing, and after conversion has occurred, Technologies supplies both blank and overprinted encoded tags direct to libraries and also to library book suppliers and book make ready companies. We also supply our printing and encoding software direct to library book make-ready companies, to make the process of ensuring new books are RFID-ready as simple as possible for both suppliers and libraries. |
Range of tag options for various material types | Our tags are Racetrack HF RFID Tags (50mm by 80mm), a top-performing, full credit card sized tag providing an extremely high read result across all RFID reader applications (including when used on audio-visual items). also supplies doughnut tags – a small, round tag for use on DVDs and CDs, and stingray tags which fit around the outside of the CD, although these have a lower read range effectiveness. |